Research Grants

My research has been supported by the following competitive Grants and Fellowships.

  1. 2024: “NNF24OC0089770 – ODD: Optimization under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty” (PI).
    NERD -New Exploratory Research and Discovery, Novo Nordisk Foundation.
    Grant size: DKK 10.070.969.
  2. 2021: “1127-00176B – Shared Mobility: Towards Sustainable Urban Transport” (PI).
    DFF Project 1, Denmarks Frie Forsknings Fond.
    Grant size: DKK 2.864.767.
  3. 2016: “Certain Decisions in an Uncertain World” (PI).
    PoliMi International Fellowship, Polytechnic of Milan.
    Grant size: Euro 75.000.